Discover how a strong personal brand will set you apart, attract more followers, and create the trust you need to grow your Network Marketing business. You’ll know exactly what kind of brand you want to build and why it matters.
Your story is the heart of your brand. Learn how to craft your story and use storytelling to create an authentic and memorable brand that builds trust, attracts the right people, and sets the stage for success for years to come.
This is where the magic happens! In this exclusive VIP-only session, you’ll have direct access to an All-Star Lineup of branding experts, where you’ll learn their secrets and get the chance to ask your questions.
From: Eric Worre (Network Marketing Pro)
To: Network Marketing Distributors & Leaders
Subject: RE: Are you ready to build your brand?
In my 36+ years in Network Marketing, I’ve learned one undeniable truth—your brand is everything.
It’s what sets you apart from the crowd, builds trust, and creates the respect you need to grow.
Your success doesn’t just depend on what you know or who you know—it’s about how people know you.
That’s why I’m inviting you to join the Go Pro Branding Challenge. In just 3 days, I’ll show you how to create a brand that stands out, builds trust, and gets you more followers—without needing to be famous or have thousands of followers.
The strength of your brand determines how fast you grow in Network Marketing. Whether you’re just starting or have been in this profession for years, a world-class brand will open doors, attract top recruits, and make your business so much easier to grow.
Join us on November 11-13 at 11 AM PST, and let’s build a brand that reflects your values, grows your influence, and attracts success!
The Go Pro Branding Challenge is a 3-day live virtual event designed
This challenge is for any Network Marketer who wants to stand out, build trust, and recruit more effectively. Whether you’re new or experienced, this branding challenge will give you the tools you need to elevate your success.
The challenge takes place from November 11-12 for General Admission, November 11-13 for VIP, with live one-hour sessions each day at 11 AM PST.
VIP Access sessions will be for an hour after the mainstage sessions on November 11-12 and start at 11 AM PST on November 13.
This challenge is for any Network Marketer who wants to stand out, build trust, and recruit more effectively. Whether you’re new or experienced, this branding challenge will give you the tools you need to elevate your success.
Yes, the challenge is completely free to participate in. There are no catches or hidden fees. There will be an optional VIP Access available for further training and implementation.
Yes, 24-hour mainstage replays will be available during the 2 days of the challenge. After the challenge, you will have the opportunity to purchase access to the replays for continued learning and reference.
VIPs will get replays of all the sessions.
The Go Pro Branding Challenge will only be available in English.
Absolutely! We encourage you to get your entire team involved. The more people who participate, the greater the impact on your Network Marketing business.
Send them to to join.
If you have any additional questions, please contact us at We’re here to help!